On Saturday (21.01.2023) Tamil, Hindi, Heritage, Quiz, RSP and Art & Craft clubs conducted their activities. TAMIL CLUB has conducted Mozhiodu Vilayadu and performed various cultural activities to bring the students skills and talents related to Tamil culture.
On Saturday (21.01.2023) Tamil, Hindi, Heritage, Quiz, RSP and Art & Craft clubs conducted their activities. TAMIL CLUB has conducted Mozhiodu Vilayadu and performed various cultural activities to bring the students skills and talents related to Tamil culture. HINDI CLUB has conducted an oratorical competition on the topic of National Leaders/Freedom Fighters. HERITAGE CLUB has conducted an Expo and exhibited various Artefacts, Numismatics. Traditional Games like Pallanguzhi, Paramapatham, etc., and food with Recipes (State-wise). QUIZ CLUB has organised a Quiz Show for their club students. RSP CLUB has also conducted an Expo to give awareness about road safety rules, signs and symbols to all the children and explained the same. ART and CRAFT CLUB has conducted the Stage Backdrop Making competition for their club students to enhance their skills in art and craft.
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