The aim of the session is to get the knowledge about the prime and composite number in mathematics. ⭐️ Children needs to learn about the prime and composite numbers.
⭐️ Children interrogated as follows
1. How to encircle the prime numbers.
2.How to identify the composite numbers
3. What are the rules to identify prime and composite numbers between 1 and 100.
4. How to identify
😀smallest even prime number .
😀smallest odd prime number.
😀smallest composite number.
⭐️ Elucidated the concepts and it created interest among the children to acquaint the concept.
⭐️ Children were enthusiastic and happy to do the activities.
⭐️ Charts,ice sticks, ear buds,threads,glitters were used for the activities to identify the prime and compositenumbers.
⭐️ A demo was given before the activity by using digi board.
⭐️ Materials used:
😀Ice sticks
😀Ear buds
🌟Learning outcomes:
This activity will help the children to identify the prime and composite numbers by using SUEVE ERATOSTHENES method.
2023 senthil public school salem. all rights reserved. designed by aatmia.